序号 |
作者 |
职称 |
论 文(论著) 题 目 |
期刊名称 |
期号 |
中科院分区 |
1 |
吴胜军 |
副教授 |
Effect of oligosaccharides derived from Laminaria japonica-incorporated pullulan coatings on preservation of cherry tomatoes. |
Food Chemistry |
199 |
2 区 |
2 |
吴胜军 |
副教授 |
Preparation and antioxidant activities of oligosaccharides from Crassostrea gigas |
Food Chemistry |
216 |
2 区 |
3 |
吴胜军 |
副教授 |
Production of pullulan from raw potato starch hydrolysates by a new strain of Auerobasidium Pullulans |
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules |
82 |
3区 |
4 |
吴胜军 |
副教授 |
Effect of pullulan on gel properties of Scomberomorus niphonius surimi |
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules |
93 |
3区 |
5 |
吴胜军 |
副教授 |
Effect of Trehalose on the State of Water, Protein Denaturation and Gel-Forming Ability of Weever Surimi |
International Journal of Food Properties, 2016 |
19(3) |
4区 |
6 |
吴胜军 |
副教授 |
Characteristics of Maltose Degradation by Hydrogen Peroxide |
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation |
40(1) |
4区 |
7 |
高焕 |
副教授 |
A new heat shock protein 70 gene (HSC70) and its expression profiles in response to cadmium stress and after different post-molting times in Exopalaemon carinicauda (Holthuis, 1950) (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) |
Crustaceana |
3 |
4区 |
8 |
毕可然 |
讲师 |
Isolation and Molecular Identification of Vibrio natriegens from Diseased Portunus trituberculatus in China |
Vol. 47, No. 6 |
4区 |
9 |
申欣 |
教授 |
The mitochondrial genome of Nobia grandis Sowerby, 1839 (Cirripedia: Sessilia): The first report from the coral-inhabiting barnacles family Pyrgomatidae |
Mitochondrial DNA |
1 |
4区 |
10 |
申欣 |
教授 |
The complete mitochondrial genome of the fire coral-inhabiting barnacle Megabalanus ajax (Sessilia: Balanidae): gene rearrangements and atypical gene content |
Mitochondrial DNA |
2 |
4区 |
11 |
申欣 |
教授 |
Comparative mitogenomic analyses reveal cryptic diversity of the bryozoan Bugula neritina Linnaeus, 1758, in the Yellow Sea |
Marine and Freshwater Research |
8 |
2区 |
12 |
申欣 |
教授 |
The model barnacle Balanus balanus Linnaeus, 1758 (Crustacea: Maxillopoda: Sessilia) mitochondrial genome and gene rearrangements within the family Balanidae |
Mitochondrial DNA |
3 |
4区 |
13 |
申欣 |
教授 |
The first mitochondrial genome of Coelomactra antiquata (Mollusca: Veneroida: Mactridae) from Guangxi (China) and potential molecular markers |
Mitochondrial DNA |
5 |
4区 |
14 |
郭雷 |
副教授 |
Optimized synchronous extraction process of tea polyphenols and polysaccharides from Huaguoshan Yunwu tea and their antioxidant activities |
Food Bioprod Process |
100:303-310 |
2 区 |
15 |
郭雷 |
副教授 |
α?Glucosidase inhibitors from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus flavipes HN4-13 |
J Nat Prod |
79:2977-2981 |
2 区 |
16 |
郭雷 |
副教授 |
Improving the yield of (+)-terrein from the salt-tolerant Aspergillus terreus PT06-2 |
World J Microbiol Biotechnol |
32:77 |
3区 |
17 |
郭雷 |
副教授 |
Bioassay-guided fractionation and identification of active substances from the fungus Aspergillus tubingensis against Vibrio anguillarum |
Biotechnol Biotec Eq |
30(3): 602-606 |
4区 |
18 |
孙颖颖 |
副教授 |
Isolation, purification and identification of antialgal substances in green alga Ulva prolifera for antialgal activity against the common harmful red tide microalgae |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
23(2) |
3区 |
19 |
李联泰 |
教授 |
A comparison of bacterial community structure in seawater pond with shrimp, crab, and shellfish cultures and in non-cultured pond in Ganyu, Eastern China |
Ann Microbiol |
66 |
20 |
陈建华 |
实验师 |
Identi?cation and expression analysis of two Wnt4 genes in the spotted scat (Scatophagus argus) |
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology |
20:20-27 |
4区 |
21 |
陈建华 |
实验师 |
Expression analysis of vasa in Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica) exposed to Bisphenol A |
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology |
24:49-55 |
4区 |
22 |
许星鸿 |
教授 |
Molecular cloning and expression of the stress gene HSP70 in the marine crab, Charybdis japonica (A. Milne-Edwards, 1861) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) in response to ammonia-N, nitrite-N and sulfide exposure |
Journal of Crustacean Biology |
5 |
4区 |
23 |
许星鸿 |
教授 |
Comparative study on the acrosin activity in sperm of the marine crab Charybdis japonica(A. Milne-Edwards, 1861) (Brachyura,Portunidae) under different environmental conditions |
Crustaceana |
13 |
4区 |
24 |
董志国 |
副教授 |
Isolation of 29 microsatellite markers for population genetics and conservation of the Moerella iridescens Benson, 1842 (ESM14) |
Conservation Genet Resour |
(2016) 8:169–196 |
三区 |
25 |
朱明 |
副教授 |
Mitochondrial genome sequence of Paramisgurnus dabryanus from the Yellow River estuaryimplication for Cobitidae phylogeny |
Mitochondrial DNA |
PMID: 26162049 |
影响因子1.76,4区 |
26 |
徐军田 |
副教授 |
Photosynthetic contribution of UV-A to carbon fixation by macroalgae |
Phycologia |
55 |
4区 |
27 |
江龙法 |
副教授 |
Pullulan-based coatings for preservation of razor clam Sinonovacula constricta |
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules |
92 |
3区 |
28 |
李信书 |
副教授 |
Comparative research on inorganic carbon acquisition by the macroalgae Ulva prolifera (Chlorophyta) and Pyropia yezoensis (Rhodophyta) |
Journal of Applied Phycology |
28 |
3区 |
29 |
盘赛昆 |
副教授 |
Purification and characterisation of a novel angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory peptide derived from the enzymatic hydrolysate of Enteromorpha clathrata protein |
Food Chemistry |
211 |
2区 |
30 |
李信书 |
副教授 |
Effect_of_nitrogen_and_phosphorus_on_the_growth_and |
aquacuture research |
3区 |
31 |
王灵昭 |
副教授 |
Optimization_and_evaluation_of_a_novel_technique_for_hydrolyzing_Antarctic_krill_(Euphausia_superba)_proteins |
Food and Bioproducts Processing |
2区 |
32 |
夏艳秋 |
讲师 |
盐地碱蓬花粉成分分析 |
淮海工永利总站yl学报(自然科学版) |
2016年第4期 |
33 |
王洪斌 |
教授 |
海水中蜡状芽孢杆菌的分离鉴定及其对水环境中氮磷的纠正效应 |
河南农业科学 |
45(4) |
34 |
王洪斌 |
教授 |
湖北农业科学 |
55(14) |
35 |
王洪斌 |
教授 |
水环境中乙草胺对塔胞藻、绿色巴夫藻的致毒胁迫效应 |
江苏农业科学 |
44(10) |
36 |
王兴强 |
金乌贼人工养殖技术 |
河北渔业 |
2016.11 |
37 |
孙玉英 |
副教授 |
Microbacterium sp.OU01壳聚糖酶Glu51和Asp69定点突变对酶活性的影响 |
食品工业科技 |
37(16) |
38 |
孙玉英 |
副教授 |
蜡状芽孢杆菌几丁质脱乙酰基酶克隆和表达 |
食品研究与开发 |
37(21) |
39 |
许星鸿 |
教授 |
科学养鱼 |
2 |
40 |
高焕 |
副教授 |
汞胁迫下脊尾白虾线粒体基因组拷贝数变化特征分析 |
淮海工永利总站yl学报(自然科学版) |
4 |
41 |
暴增海 |
教授 |
海洋解淀粉芽孢杆菌 GM - 1 变异菌株的特性 及其抑菌作用研究 |
河南农业科学 |
2016,45( 11) : 65-70 |
42 |
马桂珍 |
教授 |
海洋细菌 L1-9 双抗菌株的定殖能力及其对黄瓜枯萎病 的防治作用 |
生物技术通报 |
2016, 32(6):193-198 |
43 |
马桂珍 |
教授 |
药 物 生 物 技 术 |
2016,23( 3) : 226 ~ 230 |
44 |
郭雷 |
副教授 |
Bioactivity-guided isolation and characterization of antitumor active compound from marine-derived fungus Penicillium chrysogenum HGQ6 |
Adv J Food Sci Technol |
10(5):353-355. |
45 |
孙颖颖 |
副教授 |
菹草石油醚组分中抑藻活性物质的分离纯化和抑藻活性 |
水产学报 |
40(11) |
46 |
安贤惠 |
教授 |
Isolation and characterization of an antibacterium against Vibrio harveyi 11593 from a mixed pond with penaeus japonicus bate, portunus trituberculatus and ruditapes philippinarum in China |
Earth and Environmental Science |
39 |
47 |
吕明生 |
教授 |
海洋低温α-淀粉酶酶解豌豆淀粉及其生物活性 |
食品研究与开发 |
2016年08期 |
48 |
李树安 |
教授 |
4’-喹啉基-2,2’:6’2’’-三联吡啶衍生物的合成与晶体结构 |
兰州理工大学学报 |
42(6):1-5 |
49 |
李树安 |
教授 |
利奈唑胺中间体 (S)-N-(2-乙酰氧基-3一氯丙基)乙酰胺合成工艺优化 |
精细石油化工 |
33(5):61-64 |
50 |
李树安 |
教授 |
2-氨基-5-氯二苯甲酮合成工艺改进 |
精细石油化工 |
33(4):43-47 |
51 |
李树安 |
教授 |
4-氰基苄氯氰化物的合成和晶体结构研究 |
化学试剂 |
38(8):771-774 |
52 |
李树安 |
教授 |
化工时刊 |
30(1):29-32 |
53 |
李树安 |
教授 |
喹啉羧酸及其衍生物的合成方法 |
化工时刊 |
54 |
浦寅芳 |
高级实验师 |
刺松藻抑藻活性物质分离的初步研究 |
环境科学与技术 |
第39卷第4期 |
55 |
王淑芳 |
副教授 |
粘帚霉几丁质酶GcCHI1的结构鉴定及其抑菌作用 |
微生物通报 |
56 |
易乐飞 |
副教授 |
条斑紫菜Mu型谷胱甘肽S-转移酶基因克隆与分析 |
水产科学 |
57 |
郭金耀 |
教授 |
盐生杜氏藻烯醇酶的盐适应性及其与物质积累的关系 |
淮海工永利总站yl学报(自然科学版) |
58 |
王静 |
讲师 |
高校就业指导工作中思想政治教育的功能优化研究 |
淮海工永利总站yl学报 |
59 |
李联泰 |
教授 |
省级先进班集体建设中班主任的引领作用 |
教育教学论坛 |
60 |
程汉良 |
教授 |
半滑舌鳎乙酰辅酶A羧化酶α基因全长cDNA分子克隆及饲料脂肪水平对其在肝脏中表达的影响 |
动物营养学报 |
28(2):485-497. |
61 |
李升福 |
讲师 |
发酵型松子酒的工艺研究 |
安徽农业科学 |
62 |
方涛 |
讲师 |
藻类处理水产养殖废水的研究进展 |
淮海工永利总站yl学报 |
63 |
易乐飞 |
副教授 |
校对--凡纳滨对虾总_RNA_完整性的正确评估 |
浙江农业学报 |
64 |
高焕 |
副教授 |
脊尾白虾MSTN基因组织及不同蜕皮后时间点的表达特征 |
淮海工永利总站yl学报 |